Sanitation/COVID-19 Training

Certifications along  with video tips for vanities and production are below.  I also created a webinar for artists to assistant in creating safer workflow along with product, and information resources.  .  I also studied Esthetics (600 hours)  at Catherine Hinds .  Copies of my Liability Insurance as well as my COVID-19 Protocol are available upon request after being hired for a production.

Personal Safety as well as the safety of talent and crew are of the upmost importance to me.


Safer Sets for Makeup & Hair

Things for Consider  regarding safety and workflow when working on set in a COVID19 world.

For more extensive information on safety on set, workflow, and direct links to compentent COVIDD information, case studies, and recommendations for  PPE and cleaner products including greener options, please visit

Production:  What to consider when hiring Makeup and Hair

Things for Consider  regarding safety and workflow when hiring and communicating with Makeup and Hair in a COVID19 world.

Using Format